Sanka - Straw
Sanka - Straw
Sanka - Straw
Sanka - Straw
Sanka - Straw

Sanka - Straw

Sankalpa is a Sanskrit term that refers to a heartfelt intention or a solemn vow made with determination and clarity.

It allows us to tap into the subconscious mind, aligning one's thoughts, beliefs, and actions towards the manifestation of that intention - planting a seed of transformation and growth in their consciousness.

This hat is a physical representation of your desires.

We hand etch your desired manifestations (as symbols, motifs) and use colors that hold significance to your life and aspirations.

By wearing your hat, you invite the energy of your desires into your life and serve as a reminder that you have the power to shape your reality and bring your dreams to fruition.

  • Crown: 4"
  • Brim: 3.5" -4"
  • Color: determined after purchase
  • Size:  determined after purchase
  • Material: Panama
  • 1 word embroidered in interior of hat